
Startup Grind江门4月访谈 | ISTOP品牌创办人莫荣杰:文化创意的商业价值

Fri, 27 Apr 2018 18:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Fri, 27 Apr 2018 21:00:00 GMT+08


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    On 27th April in ISTOP Plaza, Startup Grind Jiangmen is hosting Tyler Mok, the founder of ISTOP. What made him choose to quit his finance job in Hong Kong and come to establish a cultural and creative brand in Jiangmen? What else can we have in a mall besides shopping, eating and drinking? What are the challenges and opportunities for the development of cultural and creative industries in Jiangmen? Welcome to join us and get inspired.

    活动信息 | Event Information

    时间2018年4月27日(星期五)晚上 6:00-9:00

    Time:27th April 2018(Friday)6:00pm-9:00pm


    Location:1/F Music Bar, ISTOP Plaza, Jianshe Road, Pengjiang District, Jiangmen


    Language: Cantonese (brief explanation is available if needed)

    活动流程 | Agenda

    活动形式:嘉宾访谈+自由交流 Fireside Chat & networking

    ◆6:00pm-6:30pm 签到&茶歇 Sign-in & Welcome Drink

    6:30pm-6:45pm 开场介绍 Opening Intro

    6:45pm-7:45pm 嘉宾访谈 Fireside chat with Tyler Mok

    7:45pm-9:00pm 自由交流 Networking

    关于嘉宾 | About The Guest


    莫荣杰,ISTOP品牌创办人、租游JOYO旅游科技联合创办人、POYA蓬江海外青年联合会第一届会长、华达集团副总裁。莫荣杰毕业于美国加州大学洛杉机分校(UCLA),并获商业经济学一级荣誉学士学位。2014年辞去香港金融工作,于江门创办ISTOP品牌,并推出了融合艺术和文化的体验式主题购物中心ISTOP Plaza,即一汇广场。除品牌建设外,莫荣杰同时在积极推进发展粤港澳大湾区海外青年创业基地(GBIC),在江门市委市政府及蓬江区委区政府的支持下,为港澳青年及海外华侨在江门的发展提供服务与帮助。

    Tyler Mok, the founder of ISTOP, co-founder of JOYO, the first president of Pengjiang Overseas Youth Association, and the vice president of WAH TAT GROUP. Tyler graduated form UCLA with the First Class Honors Bachelor Degree of Business Economics. In 2014, he quit his finance job in Hong Kong and come to establish a cultural and creative brand in Jiangmen. At the same time, ISTOP Plaza was launched as a shopping mall with the theme and exprience of art and culture. In addition to brand building, Tyler is also actively promoting the development of the GBIC with the support of the loacal government, providing sevice and assistance for overseas Chinese to develop their business or career in Jiangmen

    关于品牌 | About The Brand







    ISTOP PARK原点文化创意园,是莫荣杰根据厂房的建筑特点以及政府对文化和创意产业的相关政策指引,创造性地提出将工业区改造为一个体验精致生活、倡导个性态度的圣地。创意园建成后,将是一个集创、食、居、娱四大功能板块,涵盖文化主题街、原点艺术广场、创意办公花园、ISTOP青年公寓和电商孵化基地五大主题业态为一体的全能型宜业宜乐宜游生活园。

    Tyler is running multiple projects under ISTOP. Both ISTOP Plaza in Jiangmen & Heshan are shopping malls integrated local culture elements. Based on the architectural characteristics and the Government's policy guidelines on cultural and creative industries, Tyler creatively proposed the idea of transforming the old industrial zone into the ISTOP PARK, a place to experience the exquisite life and to express personal attitude, covering the cultural theme street, art square, creative office garden, ISTOP apartment and e-commerce incubator base. It would become a park both for innovative business and creative life.

    本地合作伙伴 | Local Partners


    全球赞助商 | Global Sponsorship


    特邀出席 | Special Guest


    Jan Smejkal
    Startup Grind 亚太区总监 China & APAC Director

    活动费用 | Tickets

    早鸟票:30Early-bird: 30 RMB

    全价票:40Late-bird: 40 RMB

    空降票:50At the door: 50 RMB

    学生票:15Students: 15 RMB(需携学生证现场签到 Please sign-in with your student ID card at the door

    该票价含现场甜点、饮料等茶歇费用。This price includes desserts, drinks and other snacks

    活动咨询 | For Query


    If you want to know more about our event or you are having trouble RSVPing at this page, please scan the QR code to contact our chapter director or email: melody@startupgrind.com


    ◆ 江门地区负责人:李蔼庭

    ◆ Melody Li, Jiangmen Chapter Director


    Melody is a coaching style trainer. She is dedicated to potential development of individuals and assist them to achieve their unique value. Exploring unknown is her passion and independent thinking is her belief.  

    主办方Startup Grind简介 | What is Startup Grind?


    Startup Grind,我们给它取了一个中文名字叫创业磨坊,是一个全球性的科技创业社群,创始于2010年,总部位于硅谷,由谷歌供能,致力于帮助企业家们相互学习、相互启发和资源交换。我们在超过300个城市,115 个国家举办活动,每个月我们都会邀请当地及全球的企业创始人、创新者、教育者和投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创建公司道路上所得到的经验和教训。

    Startup Grind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs. We host monthly events in more than 300 cities and 115 countries featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators, and investors who share personal stories and lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Our monthly fireside chat interviews, startup mixers and annual conferences provide ample opportunities to connect with amazing startups and the people behind them, tap into a strong support network, form meaningful connections and gain inspiration for the startup journey ahead.

    想要了解更多信息,欢迎访问 www.startupgrind.com  或者扫描以下二维码关注我们。


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